Wednesday, February 22, 2012

White Is Alright!!!!

I am white that's the color of my skin but not just normal white like really f-ing white. I'm not exactly sure why my skin is so fair with the rumored black and other darker skinned nationalities in my gene pool. I'm not even the nice white where people refer to you as porcelain I'm just white.

What causes this? Well my body has a whole lot more pheomelanin then the average Caucasian pheomelanin is what produces the tone in skin there is also eumelanin which produces the dark brown to black tones in skin this of which I have little.

I have little issue with my fair skin however it seems the general population just cant comprehend this. I often get questions like "your so white, why don't you tan?" Or "doesn't that bother you?" Or my favorite which is more a statement then a question "gross! you are so white"

Now to answer some questions and make some statements of my own.

YES my skin is white I KNOW this it has been this same color for the last 24 3/4 years this is not some unfortunate event where my skin horribly lost all pigment. I don't tan believe it or not I am mostly comfortable with my own skin. I also don't tan because I don't feel the need to change the color of my skin to conform to the majority of society that think golden brown skin which is actually a sign of damaged skin is beautiful skin. I AM OK BEING ME and sunscreen makes your skin soft!

No it doesn't bother me not until someone seems the need to point out the obvious fact that my skin glows like a beaken of some sort, or comments that my skin is so pasty. So you know pasty is word that describes a texture not a color, if my skin was pasty then you could correctly ask me if I was under the weather.

Further more I tell you this when all you sun bathed tanned people are old wrinkly and age spotted, my so called ugly white skin is going to be ,WHITE, less wrinkled, and virtually free from damage and age spots. So for all those who haven't died from melanoma will look at your own skin and think "this bothers me, why did I tan?"

At least 2 people die from skin cancer every day in Canada. In North America, someone dies from skin cancer every hour.

Tanning beds increase your risk or getting skin cancer by 75%

So even thou when you look at my skin with distaste over it's fair or pasty tone, I look at it and see beautiful skin. Even when it takes multiple applications of sunscreen and many days in the shade to keep this white I take pride in knowing I am happy and healthy.


1 comment:

  1. Love it Aysha! People just haven't caught on yet that pale is the way to go!
