Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Do I have a filter? As in do I think about what I say before I say it?

Good question I suppose I have a filter I didn't call the lady at the till a bitch after she talked to me like a was scum of the earth. I think the question really is why, when and what is appropriate to say and to whom?

I will be honest this is not the first time something I have said has been questioned as to its appropriateness in conversation. Why is that? Doesn't everyone just say it like it is? Maybe not?
Funny as so often I cant find the words to say, yet so often get accused of saying too much.

maybe this has less to do with what I say and more to do with the comfort level of the people hearing it. Some people don't like to hear swears I understand that I don't like my kids to hear swears but have recently said the C-word multiple times. Does that make me a hypocrite? In a recent argument with my grandmother (don't judge if you knew her you would understand) she told me she "didn't want to talk about it" Does that mean she didn't want to hear what I was about to say or did she not like what I already said, did I fail to use my filter again?

Recently I have found my self apologizing regularly to the same person for things I have said. Another failure to use my filter? What exactly am I supposed to filter out?

With lots of thought I have decided to try something new I am going to use my filter on a regular basis in hopes of not putting my foot in my mouth so often and apologizing less as that is a little awkward and slightly humiliating. However don't be surprised if you find my filtered bits spilled out on here.

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