Saturday, March 10, 2012

My life Crescendo

I love my children they have brought more joy and fulfillment to my life then I could have ever thought before. Children come hand in hand with noise and lots of it and the happier your children the more noise seems made.  Often this noise can be comforting, heartfelt laughter, inquisitive questions, grunts, and mumbles all the sounds of little growing people, tiny little sounds of beginnings.

However not all times are so serene more commonly its deafening sounds of screeches, yells and demands, frustrated sounds of defeat, cries for more time, more toys, more space. Its these times that my mind becomes dizzied, my thoughts twisted by the crescendo of noise, then followed by my own often louder pleas for peace, creating a vicious circle of noise louder and louder. This is when I feel my life in constant crescendo, an ever increasing level of sound. Its at these moments that I have discovered that sometimes the best remedy for too LOUD is to add more LOUD. Crazy? Maybe but it works. I find for my little Brut's the best form of decrescendo LOUD is music, any kind works today I tested outside of my normal happy, mellow, sound streams for something unheard to my children before. I dipped into my dark abyss of a closet and dug out Vivaldi a long lost favorite of mine, in hopes of gaining a few minutes of peace to gather my thoughts and organize the sounds into useful melodys and of course solve all the worlds problems or at east my childrens of the moment.

Fail. my kids uninterested in noise with no words to distract from whatever started this crescendo. I give, and change to the good old sounds of The Beatles, and Gaga. I put my disc away and hope that aone day when my life seems in crescendo that the serene sounds of Four Seasons will someday bring to my children the prefect decrescendo.
Enjoy Four Seasons

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